Sunday, 6 May 2012

05/05/12 Plant Sale

Well I got two things [at least] wrong in my last post - the title should have said April not March and the plant sale started at 11am not 10am. I did turn up for 10am but live so close I could walk home again for a while [I actually got some blocks moved from my front to back garden that I had been putting off for about a month so it was a productive half hour for me].
Whilst we were setting up we noticed drumming getting louder as it came towards us and then..
a group of men appeared accompanying a bridegroom on a horse [quite normal for Beeston] although we never saw any sign of a bride.
The plant sale went quite well - we were very busy for about half an hour and then not so busy and we planted a few of the unsold plants in the Lodge Lane Planter to fill in some gaps and hopefully reduce future weeding - and we managed to raise about £70 towards summer bedding plants for various projects. [still having a problem getting blogger to leave spaces] Sara

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